Friday, September 27, 2013

Remy Baby 5 mo. pictures

My baby boy is five months old! This is mind blowing. Also mind blowing? How adorable he is. See for yourself.

T & C Bridals and Groomals

Here they are again, world's cutest couple. Loved their wedding attire SO MUCH.

Here was the groom's first time seeing her in her dress.

T & C Engagements

Another couple made up of models. I loved spending time with these two and watching how much they adore one another. They were also really good sports, as during their session, sprinklers attacked us, my shoe broke, and the sunflower patch we had planned on was mowed down. Congratulations you two!

H & J Engagements

You know what is the greatest? A couple of people who are madly in love. These two are not only ridiculously good looking, but also pretty sweet with each other.